Digital Presence and Growth: Squarespace Panel at The Conduit, Oslo

panelists on stage

I recently had the privilege of being invited by Squarespace to participate in a panel discussion at The Conduit in Oslo, alongside esteemed industry experts Astri Knudsen from Gasta Design & Kommunikasjon and Solveig Ellila Kristiansen from Hockeystick Impact. This event, aimed at entrepreneurs, start-ups, and digital marketers, focused on the crucial role of digital presence in the business environment.

The Event Overview

The Conduit’s event, in collaboration with Squarespace, was designed to delve into the significance of establishing and maintaining a robust digital presence. As businesses increasingly shift online, understanding the dynamics of digital branding, strategic storytelling, and online community building becomes vital.

This panel discussion event was a learning platform and a networking opportunity for professionals seeking to enhance their digital strategies.

panelists on stage

My Journey and Insights

Introduction and Personal Journey

During the panel, I shared my journey with the Inclusive Creation company, from its early start-up phases to becoming a co-owner. Building Inclusive Creation was filled with both challenges and triumphs, shaping my understanding of entrepreneurship and building a digital presence.

I emphasized that a digital presence is like having a home on the internet. It’s a space where people come to learn about you, interact with your brand, and form lasting relationships. A well-organized and resource-rich digital home invites visitors to stay longer and return often.

Key Components of a Successful Digital Presence

When asked about the key components of a successful digital presence, I highlighted three main elements:

  1. Website and Branding: A professional and visually appealing website coupled with strong branding sets the foundation.

  2. Google Business Profile: Setting up and optimizing a Google Business Profile enhances visibility and credibility.

  3. Social Media: Active and engaging social media accounts help in connecting with your audience and building a community.

For entrepreneurs just starting, I advised prioritizing these three areas to establish a strong online foundation.

image shot of the audience

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Entrepreneurs often face several pitfalls when establishing their digital presence:

  1. Lack of Clear Strategy: Without defined goals and a target audience, efforts can become scattered and ineffective.

  2. Neglecting SEO: A beautiful website is useless if it’s not optimized for search engines. SEO ensures your site is discoverable.

  3. Poor Design and User Experience: A website should be easy to navigate and mobile-friendly to retain visitors.

Avoiding these pitfalls involves strategic planning, investing in SEO, and ensuring a seamless user experience.

The Future of Digital Presence and AI

Looking ahead, the concept of digital presence is set to evolve significantly with advancements in artificial intelligence (AI):

  1. AI in Analytics: AI will enhance predictive analytics, helping businesses forecast trends and understand customer behaviour.

  2. AI-Generated Content: Tools that automate content creation, like blog posts and social media updates, will become more prevalent.

  3. Enhanced SEO: AI will play a crucial role in analyzing patterns and trends to optimize content for better search engine rankings.

Businesses should start investing in AI tools now to stay ahead of the curve. These technologies save time and provide deeper insights and efficiencies.

image shot of the audience

Metrics and KPIs

Measuring the success of digital presence initiatives involves focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) tailored to specific business goals. For instance:

  • Philanthropy: Number of website visitors to raise awareness.

  • Construction: Number of renovation projects requested via the website.

  • Mobile Apps: Number of daily users.

KPIs serve as valuable indicators of impact and help attract investors by showcasing the value created.


Participating in this panel was an enriching experience, offering me the opportunity to share insights and learn from other industry experts.

For businesses looking to establish or enhance their digital presence, the key is to start with a strong foundation, avoid common pitfalls, and leverage the power of AI to stay ahead.

The digital landscape is continuously evolving, and those who adapt and innovate will lead the way.